Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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I updated Step 4 "again" of the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids). This has been such a pain because I can't test how it works exactly for each and every manufacturer because I don't have a hearing aid from each manufacturer! So I decided to say how it works for Oticon hearing aids and let the chips fall where they may (a clip follows).

Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any)

An important feature for keeping track of changes to your hearing aid settings/HA settings is the concept of keeping your database settings an exact match to your HA settings! Normally, you can proceed without getting a (Settings Mismatch Warning) because your HA settings have a DateTimestamp that matches the DateTimestamp of the last database session. Caveat; You are allowed to bypass this matching DateTimestamp requirement when this is the first time connecting your HAs (with a new database client) because your new database client is empty. Caveat2; This is how it works for Oticon and I suspect that it works this same way for other manufacturers. But I cannot say for certain without testing all other brands?

At the END FITTING step, the fitting software typically asks where to save the settings? Note that your fitting changes are already temporarily applied to the HAs (at the time-you-make-a-change). However, you still get to choose where and whether to save the settings permanently.

  • In the HAs?
  • In the database?
  • Neither HAs or Database – in other words – Don’t save any changes.
  • Both the HAs and the database? Both is the typical choice for saving your changes, giving a standard result of your hearing aid settings always matching your last database session.
After saving setting to both places, you are now in sync with hearing aid settings saved in two places, your hearing aids, and your database.

End-of-Clip: It continues to say why it is important to save your original professional settings.
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