Saving your Original settings before you make any changes


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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This clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids) may come in handy; Or you can read the PDF File itself from cloud storage. It's always available.

Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any)
We as self-programmers, want to do something special for our very first session with HAs that were professionally fit and maybe also measured with REM. We want to save the original settings to our database (without making any changes). This gives us the ability to revert back to the Original Professional Settings. During your very first fitting session, use the settings from the HAs and then (immediately) save the settings to Both the hearing aids and the database without changing any of the settings. That’s it! You are done. Easy/Peasy, right? The first database session is now a copy of your Original Professional Settings. Furthermore, future fitting sessions can now proceed without the warning about a settings mismatch, because the settings in the hearing aids mow match the settings in your database. Caveat: Not all fitting software retains Acoustics settings in the hearing aids so you may want to verify correct acoustics are specified (Dome open/closed, or Mold with a specific vent size).

However! There is an undesirable side effect of initially saving to Both. The procedure for determining whether the hearing aid settings match the database settings is based on DateTimestamp. Therefore, now that the hearing aids match “your” database, they will no longer match your Audi’s database. More on this eventual conflict with your Audi later...

After the first session, the procedure is the same, except you will be making some fitting changes. The fitting changes are always applied to the hearing aids immediately, and then at the end of the fitting session, choose the option to save the settings to Both the HAs and the database. This has the effect of over-writing the previous settings in your HAs and creating a new session in your database.
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In the odd case where you have already saved your original Audi's settings in the past, and then a new Audi-visit results in undesirable settings, you can just start a new fitting session using your database settings (not the hearing aid settings). Then, at the end of this new fitting session, when you save the settings to both hearing aids and database, you will be back in sync with the original settings you had saved,
Oh?? I thought I might have heard an echo?? :p HaHaHa
Your Audiogram is first used as input. But after the settings are Rx'd/Prescribed, then the Audiogram is no longer needed;
Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids)

Noteworthy is that once your hearing loss has been measured, and settings prescribed for that measured loss (sometimes call First Fit) then your hearing loss measurements (namely; your Audiogram, or REM-adjustments, or in-sutu measurements) are no longer needed and no longer used. Your settings (namely; amount of gain for each frequency) are now prescribed/Rx'd and there it no need to provide any further measuring of your hearing loss unless you want to start over. Here is a numerically depicted version of your settings which can be displayed using few or many gain handles/a.k.a frequencies;

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