You can also use the ubiquitous/industry standard (Noahlink Wireless or Noahlink Wireless 2). Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software).
Widex Compass GPS 4.8 (or latest version) is hidden. You will need to use the hidden software instructions suggested at the end of this document. Models; (SmartRIC, MOMENT, EVOKE, BEYOND, UNIQUE and DREAM).
The above models can only be programmed using Widex PRO LINK, Widex USB Link, nEARCom, and most recently the industry-standard Noahlink Wireless for only the latest models ( SmartRIC, MOMENT). Also if your hearing aids do not have the most recent firmware update, you may need to use the Widex Moment App to update the firmware in your hearing aids prior to using NoahLink Wireless.
Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Widex Compass GPS 4.8