DIYers should never/ever use Noah (currently Noah 4) from HIMSA. Noah 4 is database software that will keep track of all hundreds of customers. Noah 4 can also be used to start any/all fitting software (Phonak Target, Oticon Genie 2) etc, etc. Noah4 can also send birthday greetings to your customers along with a sales pitch. What? 
DIYers don't want to pay for all this extra overhead software (Noah4). Instead we run the fitting software Standalone using the standalone database that is built into the fitting software. All fitting software has a standalone database to be used when not using Noah4.
Noahlink Wireless, Noahlink Wireless 2, Hi Pro, mini Pro (plus many others) are hearing aid programming devices/hardware used to connect the hearing aids to the fitting software. That's all it does. Simple, Eh?
ETA/Edit To Add; this clip of Don'ts from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (02 How to Program Your Hearing Aids);
Self Programming Don’ts:
When installing hearing aid fitting software don’t choose the option to participate in the improve software feature. No need to have extra automatic communication with manufacturer!!
Don’t use the Noah system software (currently Noah4 or Noah-ES). Noah system software is never required for any manufacturer’s fitting software. Professional Audiologists need the Noah system software to group many clients into a one Noah database and provide automatic startup interfaces for the different manufacturer’s fitting software. If you are a self-programmer, it is simpler and cheaper to run the manufacturer’s fitting software standalone. When fitting software is run standalone it will use its own database. Repeat,,, Do not use the Noah System software!
Don’t confuse the above Noah system software (currently Noah4 or Noah-ES) with the Noahlink Wireless programming device. Don’t confuse an old obsolete programming device named NOAHlink with the Noahlink Wireless programming device. Noah, NOAHlink, and Noahlink Wireless are three different things.