New DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File (01 Explore the manufacturer's software)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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Maybe this new DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File is for you? Are you...
  • Waiting for your hearing aids or hearing aid programing device, so that you can start learning DIY? No need to wait. You can explore the fitting software without even connecting your hearing aids.
  • A Newbie "hung-up or confused" when first starting to use the fitting software? Maybe you can use the (Simulate or Training) tools in the fitting software to get some practice?
  • You like streaming Audio but the sound is less than perfect. You can start a (Simulate or Training) session to see the various settings available for your streaming accessories. Ask questions in the forum if you need further clarification?
  • You are using a remote or an App to control your hearing aids? Boo :cool: I like to use my always present hearing aid buttons. It may be easier than you envision once you get used to using the standard setup for hearing aid buttons?
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