Initial Use of Connexx Software


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Aug 23, 2023
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I finally received my Noah Wireless unit and installed the Connexx software (for Rexton HA's) and the Noah unit. At first use, when detecting the HA's, it appears I can only program one HA at a time. Is this to be expected? I have both HA's (L & R) turned on within range of the Noah. The software finds them both, but auto-selects the Right side one. If I try to select the Left side one, a message says " A right receiver is connected to the left hearing aid. To continue, replace the receiver or connect the hearing aid to the right receiver."

I assume this means I can only have one HA turned on and within range of the Noah at a time, when I am using the programming software. Is that right?

The next question is "Read Out Connected Hearing Aid" means read the data from the hearing aid right?
And next, I've read the "How to Program your Hearing Aids.pdf" in the school -- which emphasizes saving the professionally set initial settings to my local computer. But I don't think the PDF tells me how to do that. I can see some options:

1. There is a SAVE button on the 2nd top row of icons
2. On the Menu bar at very top, there is a File/Save Session option
3. Also on Menu bar is a File/Client Database Import/Export. Maybe Export??

Thanks for guidance here.
it appears I can only program one HA at a time. Is this to be expected?
No, you usually program a pair.
The next question is "Read Out Connected Hearing Aid" means read the data from the hearing aid right?
Watch this → Video.

I've read the "How to Program your Hearing Aids.pdf" in the school -- which emphasizes saving the professionally set initial settings to my local computer. But I don't think the PDF tells me how to do that. I can see some options:
It tries--But each manufacturer's fitting software is different so there is no single way to describe it. NO to export/import!! You begin with the settings from your hearing aids. Like in the video above. I don't have Connexx hearing aids But what you want to accomplish is skip any changes to the current settings and at the end of the fitting session save the settings to Both the hearing aids and the database. I will look for Connexx instructions that are more explicit. Hang on.
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The software finds them both, but auto-selects the Right side one. If I try to select the Left side one, a message says " A right receiver is connected to the left hearing aid. To continue, replace the receiver or connect the hearing aid to the right receiver."
Can you show us a picture?
@Squid I had the same message the first time I connected. I thought something was wrong until I tried the third time and realized I needed to check the left aid on the RIGHT side of the screen. I had been checking both aids on the left.

Screenshot 2023-10-30 150544.jpg

After you make changes, endure the "synchronized" in the bottom right is done. My programming was messed up because I was moving through the software before waiting until the synchronization was finished.

Screenshot 2023-10-30 150610.jpg

@pvc This software doesn't give you the option to save the changes to the aids and the database at the end, only if you want to save the session. The changes are automatically applied. It's permanent auto-save with no way to turn it off. I've been using software since the days of DOS and I've never seen auto-save without an option to turn it on/off. I hate it. In addition, the Undo only applies to the last step. There is no multi-undo. Whoever designed this software should be fired.

On a positive note, though, I was able to follow the steps in the Signia documentation for creating an AmpCROS program. I have a severe loss in my left ear and mild in my right. I spoke to multiple fitters in my area and they had no idea what I was talking about and wouldn't even consider doing it. The Costco fitter didn't either, but he's fine with me doing DIY. It works like a charm.
Thanks for all feedback. I discovered that if I only powered on one HA, then "discovered" it via Noah Wireless, then powered on the other one (leaving the first still powered on) that Noah then discovered both of them at the same time. And, in subsequent sessions after that, both HA's could be discovered and linked to the software simultaneously. So apparently it was a one-time only glitch.

I also found that the "Import/Export" command is for when you want to copy the settings database from one PC to another -- not for saving settings to a DB. As Beck23 says, with this Connexx software there is no way to distinguish between saving to the HA's and a database -- the software saves to both simultaneously. I actually suspect that with this software the HA's are updated on the fly with every change you make, even before you click "Save". The "Save" function only updates the changes to the database to keep it in sync with the HA's.

Anyway, I found a very good document on the tinnitus functions in Connexx here: That doc describes the several forms of tinnitus masking you can apply. I've tried several now and like a low-level Brownian noise mask (sounds like soft rain outside). If you are reading this and think there is a cure for tinnitus, there is not. You can only play other sounds over it and "mask" it/hide it to various degrees. The mask noise distracts you from hearing the tinnitus as badly. But some may think the masking is just as bad, or worse. You need to try it to see what floats your boat.

I wish Connexx had a better manual than the one they bundle with their software. It has a few pages of basic stuff, in 30 different languages. So basically, they failed all around the world with that doc.
I did a re-write for DIY School Hearing Aids Hearing Aids PDF file (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids)
Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any) - see clip below
Thanks for your helpful assistance :cool:
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@Squid Thanks for that link. I haven’t checked out the tinnitus features yet and that will definitely be a huge help. You’re right, the Connexx manual in the software is woefully insufficient.

@pvc Thank you for putting all this information together!
The word "permanently" is a bit too strong sounding in my opinion. It is not a permanent setting, it can be changed instantly by simply making another change in the software. That word might scare some new DIY'ers from trying things.

I suggest changing the first bullet point paragraph to:

  • The Connexx software (used for Rexton and Signia HA's) saves each setting change you make in the software to the HA's on the fly (as you go). The Save button in the software syncs the currently displayed settings to the saved session records. You can save the session at any time, adding notes to remind yourself what you modified. Therefore, if your PC was to lose power or connectivity after you made a change, but before you Saved, the HA's would have your change but your session database would not and at your next software restart you would see a mismatch warning. Thanks @Beck23 for your helpful assistance.
Thanks, good point. The word "permanently" is too strong. So I did a rewrite again.;)
Though I didn't want to suggest/encourage saving the session at any time.