Genie2 2024.1 is available, updated to Genie2 2025.1 is available


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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Though, it is not yet available using your Genie Updater for most geographical locations. :(

Until it becomes readily available using your Genie Updater, you can use the the hidden software instructions suggested at the end of the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software). The hidden software instructions boil-down to just ask for it and someone will likely provide information on how to find it.

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Hi @Rocker V Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.1
I need Genie 2 2024 for Mac. Does such a thing exist? Just migrated from windows and need to tweak my Oticon Real 1 setttings.

Big John
Hey Big John; It's the exact same software that runs on Windows, and it doesn't exactly run on Mac. You have to run Windows under emulation such as Parallels or Boot Camp. However (and a BIG HOWEVER) is that you cannot use NoahLink Wireless for newer ARM technology (Apple silicon, M1, M2, M3) computers (even under emulation) because the ARM driver is not available for Noahlink Wireless. Here's a clip from A DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File named (Noahlink Wireless - DIY User Guide); But just-in-case read your PM/Conversation in a short while for information on how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.1.

Also Note that for Oticon Real models you must install Genie2 2023.1 version *(or later)* because the Real models were introduced with version 2023.1. Also the Real models may not be available for all regions/countries and you can fix that by selecting the USA region/country during ***install***.

Attention Apple Computer users: All hearing aid fitting software is designed to work only on Windows Operating Systems and not Apple/macOS. Though (in some cases) you can use Emulators on macOS (such as Parallels or Boot Camp). However!! Noahlink Wireless will not work for newer ARM technology (Apple silicon, M1, M2, M3) computers (even under emulation) because the ARM driver is not available for Noahlink Wireless. See the Appendix of this document for a list of Apple silicon computers.
Oh, the (Apple silicon, M1, M2, M3) lack of driver for Noahlink Wireless becomes even more important with recent model Oticon hearing aids because recent model Oticon hearing aids like the Oticon Real can only be programmed using Noahlink Wireless!!

Also, All hearing software is designed to run on Windows OS/Operating Systems, or under emulation of Windows OS.
Though, it is not yet available using your Genie Updater for most geographical locations. :(

Until it becomes readily available using your Genie Updater, you can use the the hidden software instructions suggested at the end of the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software). The hidden software instructions boil-down to just ask for it and someone will likely provide information on how to find it.

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I have Genie 2 2023.2 Build 21.20.44. Could I please have a link to download the latest 2024 version of Genie 2 ? Thank you.
I have Genie 2 2023.2 Build 21.20.44. Could I please have a link to download the latest 2024 version of Genie 2 ? Thank you.
You have the ability to update it yourself because Genie Updater is running in your Windows Sys Tray. Here's a clip from DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Fitting Instructions Oticon Genie2; Opn-OpnS);

Genie Updater Tip: Genie Updater will keep your fitting software updated. Find Genie Updater in your Windows Sys Tray which is located on the bottom right of your computer monitor/screen;
  1. Click the up arrow in your Sys Tray to show Sys Tray overflow (if any)
  2. Right mouse-button-click the Genie Updater Updater icon
  3. Select Check for update Check your Genie Updater status icon against the three Genie Updater status icons that just happens to be display in the background of this screen clip.

Check your Genie Updater status icon against the three Genie Updater status icons (no updates, new update, downloading) that just happens to be display in the background of this screen clip.

Now you should know what Genie Updater is doing? Don't expect for Genie Updater to be quick-like-a-bunny. It will likely take 30 minutes or more. Also, the download is not a Windows download that you can observe in your Windows download folder. Just keep monitoring Genie Updater status and restart your computer if necessary.
Hi @tonywhite
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.1
I would like the oticon genie for the oticon intent, can someone please share? Thanks!
Hi @magic Welcome
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.1
Hello. I would like the Oticon Genie 2 software for my Real One hearing aids and would be very appreciative if someone could help me with the link to download the software.
Thank you!
Hi @seejeremy Welcome;
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.2
Hi @seejeremy Welcome;
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find Oticon Genie2 2024.2
Thank you so much! Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, but how do I get the software to recognize my hearing aids and the ConnectClip that I have? I have plugged them both into my computer, and Genie 2 doesn't "see" them. Thank you so much!
  • You need to use a (Noahlink Wireless 2 or Noahlink Wireless) Hearing Aid Programming device to wirelessly connect your Oticon Real hearing aids to Oticon Genie 2 fitting software. That is, unless you have the tiny-tiny Own IIC or CIC models that are too small to include the wireless radio hardware component.
  • The Connect Clip is a different story. I'm not sure of your purpose for connecting? Here's how to → Connect for Audio Streaming video which shows how to pair.

Here's some supporting information from a DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (Choose Hardware/Programming Device for Oticon);
  • Legend: NW = Noahlink Wireless/Caution: Noah, NOAHlink & Noahlink Wireless are 3 different things
  • Legend: HP = (Hi Pro or mini Pro) with standard cs44 cables and also maybe flexstrips or adapters

  • 2023-Q4 - Real miniRITE R = NW - Dimensions 6mm W x 12mm D (13mm D with rocker switch) x 27mm L
  • 2023-Q4 - Real miniRITE T = NW - Dimensions 7mm W x 12mm D (13mm D with rocker switch) x 30mm L
  • 2023-Q2 - Real miniBTE R = NW
  • 2023-Q2 - Real miniBTE T = NW

  • 2022-Q3 - Own Custom IIC 10 without 2.4 GHz = HP with Flexstrips or Adapter mini*
  • 2022-Q3 - Own Custom CIC 10 without 2.4 GHz = HP with Flexstrips or Adapter mini*
  • 2022-Q3 - Own Custom ITC 312 = NW or HP with Flexstrips or Adapter mini*
  • 2022-Q3 - Own Custom ITE-HS 312 = NW or HP with Flexstrips or Adapter mini*
  • 2022-Q3 - Own Custom ITE-FS 312 = NW or HP with Flexstrips or Adapter mini*
  • * = Too small or not possible to combine 2.4 GHz and Telecoil, Choice of Telecoil = no wireless fitting (NW)
Also; the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your finger tips via 24/7 cloud storage access.
  • Start here → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) to find the access portals
  • You can easily find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking any PVC Avatar (click twice - counting the 2nd popup Avatar)
  • When logged in, you can find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking a Link in my Signature
  • And finally, you can perform a simple Internet search for "DIY School Hearing Aids"