Effectiveness of Phonak Infinio Sphere hearing aids


New Member
Jan 10, 2025
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I recently went private and replaced my NHS (UK) BTE Oticon Engage aids (that use tubes) with the latest Phonak Infinio Sphere aids. With the latter, none of the various programs seem to make much difference and at the moment my new aids are not better that my old ones. They were set up by an audioligist remotely to a supplied audiogram (over four sessions), but left to my own devices, I can’t say they're better.
Could I be doing anything wrong? And is there an easy way of making a comparison of both in different environments, which doesn’t seem very practical?
What is your hearing loss? As an example; take a look at my hearing loss/Audiogram which is linked in my Signature below.
Your audiogram will show what type of hearing loss you have. Hearing losses near the bottom of the chart below are more difficult to fit.
If you have trouble posting an image of your Audiogram then maybe you can just explain your hearing loss using words ;)