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  1. S

    Initial Use of Connexx Software

    The word "permanently" is a bit too strong sounding in my opinion. It is not a permanent setting, it can be changed instantly by simply making another change in the software. That word might scare some new DIY'ers from trying things. I suggest changing the first bullet point paragraph to...
  2. S

    Initial Use of Connexx Software

    Thanks for all feedback. I discovered that if I only powered on one HA, then "discovered" it via Noah Wireless, then powered on the other one (leaving the first still powered on) that Noah then discovered both of them at the same time. And, in subsequent sessions after that, both HA's could be...
  3. S

    Initial Use of Connexx Software

    I finally received my Noah Wireless unit and installed the Connexx software (for Rexton HA's) and the Noah unit. At first use, when detecting the HA's, it appears I can only program one HA at a time. Is this to be expected? I have both HA's (L & R) turned on within range of the Noah. The...
  4. S

    Streaming from TV to HA

    I found the Rexton TV Steaming device on ebay, so I've got that coming, thanks.
  5. S

    Where to buy NOAH wireless device?

    Thanks pvc. I need the "Noahlink Wireless programming device", but is there a cheaper place to get one than ebay?
  6. S

    Streaming from TV to HA

    Thanks for the info pvc, but wow. Rexton wants $200+ for this bluetooth device. Maybe I can make my own somehow using parts from other bluetooth devices.
  7. S

    Streaming from TV to HA

    My older model Samsung TV doesn’t have the ability to stream via Bluetooth to my Rexton HA’s. (Well, it has a TV setup option for it, but it is greyed out and when I click on it it days “Feature not available”.) So, what kind of device is needed to send the audio over bluetooth from TV? The TV...
  8. S

    Where to buy NOAH wireless device?

    I am looking for the NOAH wireless programming device for use with Rexton (Signia) HA’s. I’m not clear on what all is required to make it work: 1. First, I think I need the Signia/Rexton HA software running on Windows 2. Next I think a “NOAHlink Witeless Device” (hardware) is needed. I’ve seen...
  9. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    Oh, so the Noah wireless hardware progides a low-energy Bluetooth pathway? I hope the new model is released soon.
  10. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    What equipment is needed for the in-situ audiometery test? I’m also curious about why a Noah wireless device is needed to program the HA’s when both the computer running Rexton software and the HA’s have Bluetooth and can theoretically “talk” to each other? I have the Rexton HA’s in now and...
  11. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    What equipment is needed for the in-situ audiometery test? I’m also curious why the Noah wireless device is needed for programming if both my PC 9running the Rexton software) and the hearing aids have Bluetooth…so in theory they should be able to “talk” to one another. Why is a third-party...
  12. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    Next question: Can I perform a REM at home myself? If so, what would I need to do so? At initial glance it looks like like I'd need a speaker calibrated to some standard, and then a small microphone that could be placed in the ear along with the hearing aid. Is this an impossible dream for...
  13. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    Looks like the Noah Wireless 2 devices are set to be released next month, and at $68. I can wait until then.
  14. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    Vol: Both the Costco Phillips 9040 and the Rexton have the same warranty and price. I'm just wondering if I should have gone with the Phillips instead, but I haven't really heard a compelling argument to do so yet. PVC: Thanks for the software and documentation link. Are the Noah Wireless...
  15. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    Yes, the 3 year warranty helped sell me on the Rexton's. Are they as good as the Phillips 9040 that Costco also had for the same price? As I read more about hearing aids, it sounds like the Phillips are made by the same company that makes the Opticons, so I assume most of the same features are...
  16. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    Well, turns out I am a gullible consumer. I went in to Costco for the audi testing, and they sold me a pair of Rexton BiCore C models. I hadn't even heard of Rexton before, but the audiologist was ecstatic about them. They arrive in a week, and there is a 6 month trial period, so I figured if...
  17. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    Thanks for the replies. The reason I am interested in the latest Opticon Real's is because I have significant tinnitus and was told the Opticon's have a feature to help with (but not eliminate) this.
  18. S

    Buying New on Ebay

    I've pursued several posts here on this forum about buying on eBay. They are all fairly old posts though, talking about brands/ models, and eBay sellers that are no longer available. Do folks still recommend purchasing HA's from eBay? I am specifically interested in the Opticon Real model and...