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  1. S

    NAL2 versus VAC+..pretty good

    Hi All you DIY self Programmers. After the Fitting of my Real1's by an Audi (no REM) in september I backed Up my devices in Genie and started finetuning. At one time I was looked at the video of the hearingclub selfprogramming the Philips 9040. He used NAL 2 and told about the differences. And...
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    Companion App 1.4.0 battery drain experienced

    Hi, I experience a slighty higher battery usage after updating the Companion App to 1.4.0 Does this sound familiar to you out there using Samsung ?
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    Phonak Fitting Software latest release

    Hello Community members. I am looking for the Sw to program the Phonak HA's. Is there somebody who can help me out on this? Thx.
  4. S

    Release New Phonak Audeo Sphere Infinio

    As I can still choose Brands because did not buy or Fitted, Phonak latest device was Launched onto the Media, and available from the 26 of August. Lots of (connecting) Features and RealTime AI. Worth waiting? what do you think?
  5. S

    Your Experiences good/bad on the Oticon Intent since introduction

    Hi all, A audiologist wants to talk me into the Real's instead of the Intent's, because of the "Major issues" of these devices since introduction..Can somebody verify this Story or is he only telling Fairytales ?
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    Request for Engie 2 sw.

    Hi all, can someone provide me with a link to the Oticon fitting sw 2024? Kr, Stan
  7. S

    Hi there from the Netherlands

    Hi, I suffur Tinnitus over the past 39 years and have trouble to understand speech in loud and noisy environments. I sometimes feel I have Hyperacuses, as I "hate" loud and sudden noises like exhausts, boomboom music etc. Because of high freq. loss and the tinnitus I experience low freq. more...