Search results

  1. sajjad

    Audiogram (profound Hearing Loss)

    Hi all,Here is a Audiogram of the patient with profound Hearing loss,He is using manual intertone 393 He told me from these Hearing aid I Hear the sound less and couldn't understand the speach,I tried oticon( spirit zest c sp ) but He told me the result is same as intertone 393,Does anyone knows...
  2. sajjad

    Bernafon bte viron 5 connecting problem

    Hi all,I have a pair of bernafon viron 5(VNA5 B 85) It's not connecting with bernafon oasis 2019 and oasis nxt 2020 with hipro and cs44 cable .can anyone say me the problem and am I using right software thanks
  3. sajjad

    Starkey ITC not connecting with inspire software

    Hi all,I have a pair of starkey ITC HS I ordered flex strip yellow and put fresh 13 battery but still it's not connecting with inspire software if anyone knows the problem then please inform me thanks
  4. sajjad

    Resound VE180-VL Legacy Hearing Aids Not Connecting

    Hi All ,I have a pair of Resound VE180-VL I have tried to connect it with Avent 2.95,aventa 3,smart fit 1.14,1.15,1.18 but it's not connecting with non of these software's. Is there any other software to connect or it's locked Hearing aids if anyone knows please guide me about these thanks
  5. sajjad

    Signia siemens IPX 3 (ITE) connecting problem

    Hi All I am trying to connect signia ipx3 (ite) Hearing aid via Hipro and flex strip but its not connecting with signia 9 software, Have I chosen Right software or it needs any unlock code ,if anyone knows about it then please tell me thanks alot
  6. sajjad

    Signia 9 software

    Hi, PVC I Need Signia 9 Software I Have Lost It From My Laptop Please Send me The Link I Would Be Thankfull
  7. sajjad


    Hi,It's The BAEP test repot If An 5 Years Old Child Can Any One Say Me According To The Test Report What Kind Of Hearing Loss The Child Has?Is It The Severe Hearing Loss Or Profound ? Thanks
  8. sajjad

    Signia 9 programing

    Hi.,one of my friend use signia cic prompt with moderate Hearing loss first audiologist programmed HA for him He complains that I hear the sound of fan,motorcycle and other voices too loud also far voices but speach is low and mixed with other noises, then I reprogrammed it and I decreased soft...
  9. sajjad

    Analog Vs Digital Hearing Aids

    Hi All,Here I want to know about analog and digital Hearing Aids,anywhere when I see people using Hearing aids I see there HAs and ask them about their experience ,because I like Hearing aids more then iphone you can say love Hearing aids,most of people specially old aged like Analog Hearing...
  10. sajjad

    Hearing Aid With Manuel setting and programmable

    Hi everyone, today I saw a man about 80 years old in bazar I saw a hearing aid (675 battery)on his ear he told me I am using it from more then 8 years I bought it from a shop not from audiologist i Have never seen a hearing aid with programing option(programing cable attachable)and manual...
  11. sajjad

    Request For The Microson programing software

    Hi all, I need fitting software for microson hearing aids if anyone has the copy please send me the link thanks
  12. sajjad

    Phonak Nathos Auto M unlock code

    Hi PVC ,I also need unlock code of Phonak Nathos M Please send me unlock code I will be Thankfull
  13. sajjad

    Programing Legacy siemens prisma2 m Hearing Aids

    Hi all,Does anyone knows about programing siemens prisma2 m Legacy Hearing aids it's not connecting with connexx 6.5 fitting software I don't know it can be connect with another software or I need unlock code,if anyone knows about it then please help me thanks
  14. sajjad

    Signia 9 and oticon Genie fitting program

    Hi all,Here I am facing some problems in programing for example some people say that noises are too much in Hearing aid but speach voice comes low after increasing speach option the problem still exists and also I couldn't find feedback cancellation option in signia fitting program Second same...
  15. sajjad

    Request for Aurafit Audionova 5.5 software

    Hi Does anyone Have Aurafit Audionova 5.5 fitting software,if anyone has old version then its also fine we can update it thanks
  16. sajjad

    Beltone Oria Opera Plus HPG (ITC) Programming

    Hi, here is a problem fitting beltone opera plus HPG(itc).at starting when I click (what is connected) then it connects but when I go in fitting section and click any of MPO or frequency up and down then massage comes(Hearing aid lost the connection) even when I click end fitting then also that...
  17. sajjad

    Request for signia 9 software

    Hi, I need signia connexx 9 fitting software please send me the link I will be thankful
  18. sajjad

    Programing selectic Napoli2 RITE Hearing Aids

    Hi everyone Here is a pair of selectic Napoli 2 Hearing aids it's looks like same oticon Acto RITE Hearing aids but it is not connecting with Genie 2017 software I also applied unlock code of (selectic ultime pro 2)which I have taken from DIY school (unlock Rebranded Hearing aids)but still it's...
  19. sajjad

    Connecting oticon streamer connect line with oticon Acto pro mini Rite Hearing aids

    I have a pair of oticon Acto mini Rite. streamer connected with my Android phone Bluetooth but not connecting with Hearing aids, Does anyone knows how to connect the Hearing aids with streamer connect line thanks
  20. sajjad

    Programming Adapter Of Redound Magna MG 290-Dvi

    Hi All,Does anyone know about programing adapter of Resound Magna MG 290-Dvi,If anyone know please say me the model number of adapter it will be easy for me to buy online