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  1. pvc

    PVC stepping away for a while

    I am building a new Mini-ITX PC and need to RMA my CPU :eek:. So I will catch-up later.
  2. pvc

    Signia Connexx 9.13.0/SiFit9.13.0 for Signia Newer/Current took an Update

    I dunno what's in it? It should be available to you from the Connexx-Updater in your Windows Sys Tray.
  3. pvc

    Audiology Online - ReSound Smart Fit 2.1 - New ReSound Portfolio (Models Vivia, Savi)

    Link to Audiology Online Course: → Updated Software Version for a New ReSound Portfolio #40339 Audiology Online courses are free unless you are collecting college credits. Though you must register to view the courses. Or, you could just use the new Software to view the new models?
  4. pvc

    Bernafon OasisNxt for (Delight , ProAkustik, Lisound, Specsavers, Meditrend, GPL, Maico, Audilab, RITM , Hoerex, Sonic)

    I have added the following section to the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids); Bernafon OasisNxt for (Delight , ProAkustik, Lisound, Specsavers, Meditrend, GPL, Maico, Audilab, RITM , Hoerex, Sonic) Install the latest version of OasisNXT (currently...
  5. pvc

    You don't need DIY School (Fitting Instructions Oticon Genie2; Opn-OpnS) - RTFM instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Someone asked recently/yesterday in a galaxy far far away; Is it possible to find “Fitting Instructions Oticon Genie2; Opn-OpnS” pdf file from DIY School? Maybe it contains some additional useful content vs the Genie users guide? And the answer → in this post was RTFM. ;)
  6. pvc

    New DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File - Updating Your Fitting Software

    Updating Your Fitting Software The newest/latest versions of Hearing Aid Fitting Software all have a self-updating feature. Most have a separate module named (Name-of-Software Updater) that will run in your Windows Sys Tray which is located on your Windows-Taskbar at the lower/bottom-right of...
  7. pvc

    New Oticon miniFit Detect Receivers are "Bent" - to fit curved ear canals - resulting in a better fit

    Here's a → Link (and image below) showing the human outer ear has a canal running from the outside of your ear to your eardrum. This canal curves inward and forward. If you look at it from the side, the canal would be oval-shaped, with the long side pointing downward and slightly backward...
  8. pvc

    Software Updates for Connexx9.12.3 SiFit 9.12.1 forSignia and Connexx9.12.3 RexFit9.12.1 forRexton

    If you have these installed, then the Updater in your Windows SysTray should have these updates waiting to be installed; Connexx9.12.3 SiFit 9.12.1 forSignia Support of Signia Active Pro IX, Styletto 2IX/1IX, Orion Charge&Go RIC, BTE P, BTE SP and Intuis 4 700-300 extension. Includes new...
  9. pvc

    Looking for Danafit 4.3

    Danafit 4.3 is an older version of GN ReSound's software for ReBranded danalogic models (won’t run on Win 11 and unknown models at this time). Does anyone know how to find Danafit 4.3 fitting software? It's for very old GN ReSound hearing aids rebranded as danalogic;
  10. pvc

    DIY Self Programming for Hearing Aids

    DIY Self Programming for Hearing Aids is here at this; Link to → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) aka "DIY Self Programming for Hearing Aids" I added "DIY Self Programming for Hearing Aids" in the forum title for DIY School to help with misdirection to my old posts on another forum. The reason...
  11. pvc

    Where to look for Hearing Aid fitting software?

    You can find out about where to look for Hearing Aid fitting software in two places; Both are DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF files; Both are alphabetized by Brand name. DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named 01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file...
  12. pvc

    Bluetooth stuttering Windows 11

    It's not Off Topic Bro. So I moved it here into (DIY Hearing Aid Self-Fitting & Adjusting) category ;) Perhaps you should look at the Bluetooth settings in your new Laptop instead of Bluetooth problems with your Phonak Marvels hearing aids. See example below. btw> Laptop Bluetooth issues is...
  13. pvc

    New But Old - Moved to a forum post

    Hi @Dell; Welcome; I moved/duplicated your request from "Introduce Yourself" to a regular forum topic. Please read your PM/Conversation for information on how to find Phonak Target 10.0.0
  14. pvc

    PVC will be taking a break - may be slower response

    looking for other DIYers to assist with helping newbies ;)
  15. pvc

    Oticon Intent OtoTherm Molds - Wow! I want to try these

    I stumbled across this while researching something else. Now I want to try Oticon's new OtoTherm Molds!! I am currently wearing Oticon hard acrylic molds and I would not dare call them comfortable. See page 23 of this Link to → Oticon Intent Product Guide. OtoTherm characteristics: – Based on...
  16. pvc

    New Hearing Aid Technology with (AI DNN/Deep Neural Network)

    Which new Hearing Aid models are using this new AI-DNN technology? AFAIK, four new models at this point in time; Click the Links below. Oticon Intent → Link Phonak Audéo Sphere Infinio → Link Starkey Genesis AI, Edge AI → Link I am wearing the Oticon Intent model and I can vouch for this new...
  17. pvc

    Starkey Pro Fit 2024.1 Available

    Pro Fit 2024.1 The most recent release of Pro Fit includes both new features and software enhancements. Eliminates silent reboots for hearing aids being used with My Starkey 5 additional tinnitus stimuli with Signature Series Two-way conversations between patient and provider in...
  18. pvc

    Yo, user172 in another forum - Question about using Power Domes for in-Situ

    RE: With Phonak and widex, the in situ is done while wearing the domes you’ll be using. with Beltone Serene 17s (and I assume the other GN models that are identical) the software asks you to do the in situ with power domes, which, to me, removes the accounting of the ear canal shape and...
  19. pvc

    Don't pay for Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software

    I don't believe that GN ReSound sells their fitting software, (currently ReSound SmartFit 2.0 + Aventa 3). Perhaps you paid someone else. :oops:
  20. pvc

    Additional lock codes found for Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids - Legacy Oticon NHS

    Updated the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) to include additional lock codes for Oticon Genie ReBranded Legacy Hearing Aids. Tip: The PDF file is alphabetized by manufacturer. Also; Special Thanks to an undisclosed HoH-Community members! Below is a...