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  1. Llamachick

    New to hearing aids also

    might wanna look for another audi, that doesn't sound like a friend too and with that price??? that's just a total WTF *just a tip from me* (also tech is better these days too so you're missing out)
  2. Llamachick

    Oticon OPN MiniRite review

    glad to hear you love them!
  3. Llamachick

    va batteries

    Duracell batteries are good! (you might find them at stores like CVS)
  4. Llamachick

    Hearing aid stuffiness in ears?

    :) I will hopefully real soon!
  5. Llamachick

    Hearing aid stuffiness in ears?

    I get this too!! (hopefully I can get some nice new clean earmolds if I get new hearing aids too)
  6. Llamachick

    hearing test again!

    you're welcome!
  7. Llamachick

    program question

    people on may have some good answers!
  8. Llamachick

    hearing test again!

    good luck!
  9. Llamachick


    good to hear you're loving it
  10. Llamachick

    two weeks until test!

    oh boy
  11. Llamachick

    two weeks until test!

    I'm in the USA (that sucks, hope those spells goes away soon!)
  12. Llamachick

    two weeks until test!

    good luck! my earmolds are usually 75 bucks!
  13. Llamachick

    how do you begin your hearing aid routine?

    I put one in and the other in! :D
  14. Llamachick

    two weeks until test!

    that sucks!
  15. Llamachick

    two weeks until test!

    might worth it if you're gonna use the old ones for backup!
  16. Llamachick

    losing hearing more in right ear.

    maybe! and you're welcome
  17. Llamachick

    losing hearing more in right ear.

    maybe! (might wanna check for wax involved, I have that issue!)
  18. Llamachick

    Unitron fitting program

    you're welcome ;) (I might ask my audi about your question too!)
  19. Llamachick

    Unitron fitting program

    might be a possibility, you might wanna find out through Google or Unitron's website too