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  1. W

    New moulds!

    oh boy. XD I think then jumping a mile into the air is probably going to be my reaction. XD! I'll probably laugh after knowing me. I still try to wear my hearing aids despite my ear pain and if it gets too sore i take them off. Sinusitis is a pain for a hearing aid wearer! Thanks for getting...
  2. W

    New moulds!

    Great to see you again. Is it a very loud test at all? What can i expect from it so I don't jump out of my skin? It's not til March some time but I hope yours goes well too. I also get my yearly hearing test that day too. The mould impression was a bit sore on me but to be fair I have sinusitis...
  3. W

    New moulds!

    I am getting new hearing aid moulds. They are still orange, love the orange. The reason i need 'em (the new ones) is because the hearing aid itself is making a lot of feed back, way more than it should and they are very uncomfortable to when i first had them. I can still wear the old ones for...
  4. W

    More Hearing loss?

    the original woman who was in charge of the place left for a while on maternity leave. She was really good. I do not like who she has left in charge at all. I have the same problem! My ear canals are very small. I had to be fit with a BTE style for those reasons. We're going in Friday to make...
  5. W

    More Hearing loss?

    I have encountered more hearing loss from sinusitis and when i asked the receptionist to make an appointment to get that checked she refused and said it might be the hearing aids need cleaning. She said 'i was not in there that long ago blah blah blah, etc, etc.'. Why does this happen with every...
  6. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    haha. XD! Yeah. lol i have been known to get heavy wax build up and bad ear infections as a kid and now it still looks like i get it, i already knew that but i didn't know how badly it clogged the hearing aids. XD! it hears so nice now!
  7. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    got good news! The hearing aids are okay! The tube was so full of wax it was crazy! They used a pediatric ear tube since my ears are so small. Now it should take a lot to fill that in XD! She said the mould likely may have been irritated itself as I described it to being the only time it has...
  8. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    ah okay. Thanks again for the info. With mine it's replacing them every third day. Had a feeling something was wrong there. My left one can go all week before I replace it though. The right one before it went out was every three days. :O
  9. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    I know. D=! Do they normally die together or can it only be one? The tubing is still connected to the casing itself though. He figured if the audiologist did it then it would be okay. I think he might be right. I tried to upload the file and it says that it's too big. I think mine, like yours...
  10. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    I don't know if he should have done this however, Dad pried the tubing a part, only from the mould and it was clear of debris. So we're pretty certain unless it's something else entirely, that hearing aid is dead. The left one so far is still working some how. :O
  11. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    well, I got bad news. I can get the pic to you in the next while but however my right hearing aid to be frank to quote you took a crap on me. It won't work and after three battery changes, the noise indicating that all system's go, won't start. I checked for wax, none, tube seems clean, or at...
  12. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    Oh those look really neat!! So I can still opt for colour yet get some sort of clear mould as well. Later on today I will give you a picture of mine. :) Thanks for sharing. ^_^
  13. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    thanks! So you found that the 'ear' part never bothered you when coloured? For me it's only the mould and yet I try to wear them X_x it'll feel more comfortable when I get the moulds changed if that's what's going on. :)
  14. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    aaahh. I hope your itching sensation wasn't too bad.I will be certain to mention this. I had a look inside the bowl of my ear was also very red. x_X Hurt for a while as well. I really love the colour but if needed I will have to get it changed to another clearer colour. I think the hypo...
  15. W

    Horrid itching last night! Allergy?

    I think I may want to mention this at my appointment. I had a horrid itching sensation last night which I should not have done this provoked me to take out my left hearing aid. To my knowledge I have not done that yet (except to look at it and then it goes back in. Only reason I do that normally...
  16. W

    First aids?

    They tried to fit me with little to no success. Nobody was getting the idea of what I really needed as to what my ENT said. Finally found someone who did and the H.A's are very nice. Full shell BTE orange moulds and purple 'ears'. I think the real reason behind a more drastic loss was failed...
  17. W

    Update and what to expect at my next appointment.

    Ah okay! i wasn't certain on that. Thanks for the verification and on the batteries as well. I have one in now. XD! Going to get the other soon. i don't like to subject my ears to too much yet as I'm a relatively new user. I called again to make sure and I have an appointment on the 16th and...
  18. W

    Even more new sounds.

    I am picking up new sounds with my hearing aid lately. Rain, wind and now the computer fan, and things falling on the floor. Sounds I find sharp still are paper and doors closing. My voice and speech have also improved and words sound clearer to me. The only problem is mine tend to eat batteries...
  19. W

    Phonak Sky V50-P

    I may not be little but i have that same brand! My hearing loss is moderate to severe depending on the situation. Mine are very nice. I have purple ears and orange mould :) They work very well. I can hear everything from something falling on the floor to water. :) Sounds I never noticed before...
  20. W

    Update and what to expect at my next appointment.

    ah okay! Thanks again. I think I will make an appointment to get everything checked out. The right one's batteries got eaten again last night. XD! I was told they last anywhere from 3 to 10 days, this one is making them expire near the end of the day. I can nearly wear them all day now, but i...