DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

For Noahlink Wireless (1 and 2) on the HIMSA website:
they have 2 utilities:
NW Driver Installer and NW Firmware Upgrader
I used that Firmware Upgrader and in the Genie software in Programming Device now instead of version 3.15 I have 3.17.
Firmware Updates replace the brain of your device (so to speak) and therefore are destructive and dangerous. Firmware updates can even Brick your device. For example; when using a wireless programming device to update hearing aid firmware, and walking away during the middle of a long update session which may lose the wireless connection to your hearing aids because of the long distance.

Yes, you should want to have the latest functionality, whatever it is? I like to wait a little while to avoid being a test dummy for new firmware updates.
Should I also use that (HIMSA) NW Driver Installer?
Maybe then I would have the HIMSA driver in Device Manager?
Device Drivers are typically included in Windows. It's named Plug-N-Play. You just plug it in and then use it. It's that simple!

However, sometimes the device is maybe too new to be included in Windows (or something like that)? I don't closely follow the very-complicated procedure for getting a new device driver signed-and-included-in Windows by MicroSoft??

The suggested procedure for installing a driver for Noahlink Wireless (1 or 2) is to install the fitting software first (before plugging-in the the Noahlink Wireless 1 or 2 device) in order to obtain a driver. Then when you plug-in Noahlink Wireless 1 or 2 it will use the driver that was made available by the fitting software.

Seems to me you are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
Noahlink Wireless 2 is under Universal Serial bus devices.
That seems like a nice logical place for it.
Maybe then I would have the HIMSA driver in Device Manager?
That seems like an addon/kludgy place to put a device driver.
Seems to me you are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
If so, the important thing is that there is no problem.
Suma summarum, it seems best to leave it as is, right?

Thanks for your effort in answering me.
And then there in the paragraph:
"IMPORTANT: If for some reason the drivers are not automatically installed, they are available here."
there is a link for NW Driver Installer and NW Firmware Upgrader
which I mentioned in an earlier post (the last one on the previous page)
When you forget to install the software first as in HIMSA's suggested procedure, then yes you will need to use that "available here" workaround.
According to the instructions in the DIY, as well as the link from HIMSA, the GENIE 2 software was installed first, and then I received NW 2.
I did the update with this NW Firmware Upgrader and luckily, there was no connection interruption during that time, so the firmware is now the latest 3.7
Although I was confused that the HIMSA driver was not visible in Device Manager, as in your case, it is obvious that the Windows driver is the correct one, so I do not need to install the NW Driver Installer.
Thank you, once again and greetings.
I will report back with my impressions of the fitting.
Hello, I need help downloading Oticon Genie 2. Thanks in advance
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I'm switching from Oticon OPN hearing aids to Phonak Naida and need to obtain the Phonak Target software. TIA
Hello - trying to follow instructions as found. Have downloaded patient base, but unable to open after computer restart. Still need Inspire and ProFit, I guess? Can you help? Thx - jp
Hi @jtpipkin Please read your PM/Conversation and also read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) and scroll down to the Starkey section section because the file is organized by manufacturer.