Audiology Online - ReSound Smart Fit 2.1 - New ReSound Portfolio (Models Vivia, Savi)

  • ReSound Vivia 4-Technology Levels (9, 7, 5, 4) 12 new Models RIE & microRIE
  • ReSound Savi 2-Technology Levels (3, 2), 5 new Models RIE & miniRIE
Looks like they are joining (Starkey, Oticon & Phonak) with AI-DNN (Artifical Intelegence-Deep Neural Network) hearing aid technology.

ASFAIK - only four models were using this AI-DNN technology (Oticon Intent, Phonak Audéo Sphere Infinio, Starkey Genesis AI, and, Starkey Edge AI). Reference: → New Hearing Aid Technology with (AI DNN/Deep Neural Network)
The new Chip/new AI technology will likely be coming to some ReBranded hearing aid modelss (possibly; ReSound Advance Pro, Beltone Solus Max, ReSound HA Fitware, ReSound Interton Fitting, ReSound XE BeMore, ReSound Amplifon, ReSound Danalogic).
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