Phonak Target software link

Hi @pvc,
I'm looking for the Phonak Target program to configure a compilot ii. Can you advise? Thanks!
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Hi, i have phonak Naida I UP i need ipfg 2.4 software to fit them, can i get link for download please?
Hi @pvc - I am testing Phonak Infinio Spheres for the next 30 days and then Oticon Intents. I have the Noah Wireless 2 on order. Please send me links to the latest Oticon and Phonak programming software programs (Target and Genie). Thanks!
Ich teste derzeit den Phonsk Terra und bin auf der Suche nach der Phonak Target Software! Kann mir diese bitte jemand zur Verfügung stellen? Freundliche Grüße
Hallo, guten Tag, ich suche die Phonak, Target Vielen Dank, der Zupf (Target), bitte um Hilfe
Hi, Please some help. I am looking for a link to Phonak Target software. I am running Target 10.0 on a Windows 10 computer and now have a new Windows 11 computer. I understand even the older Target versions update automatically but I would prefer a newer version for my new computer. I happily found that the Phonak Sphere fittings came with my upgrade and connected flawlessly on Windows 10.
Thank you
Ken Sherman
I too am trying to find the a Target software download. Where did you o u get it.
I just joined the forum. Awesome information/discussions here.
I'm also looking for the latest Phonak Target Software. Can you share the information on how to find it?
Witam dołaczyłem dzisiaj bo szukałem phoTarget by już się nie prosić o poprawę ustawień pan raczej tylko nastawionych na sprzedaż a nie pomoc.
Does anyone have a link or file for the Phonak Target 10 Software?

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