Phillips Hearlink self remote fitting?


New Member
Jan 16, 2025
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Hi, I'm new to HA's & as an audio engineer (40+ years) looking at getting some control of adjustments myself. I have the Phillips Hearsuite software but don't yet have the Noahlink hardware or a windows pc...
Anywho I got to thinking about the remote fitting thru the Hearlink app & if that is another possible way to gain access to self programming? Does anyone know what is needed for this process? Tia
Here's a clip from DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software);

Hardware Prerequisites: In addition to getting the free fitting software, you will need a hearing aid programming device/hardware and maybe cables and connectors for Legacy hearing aids. For most (but not all) recently sold hearing aids (around 2023 and later), the device you will need is a Noahlink Wireless 2 or Noahlink Wireless. You cannot use Remote Fitting as it requires a professional account! Some manufacturers even require a hearing aid programming device for the initial programming as a prerequisite to Remote Fitting!
Also; the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your finger tips via 24/7 cloud storage access.
  • Start here → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) to find the access portals
  • You can easily find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking any PVC Avatar (click twice - counting the 2nd popup Avatar)
  • When logged in, you can find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking a Link in my Signature
  • And finally, you can perform a simple Internet search for "DIY School Hearing Aids"