Audio service 9.8 software


Jul 5, 2023
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Hi How are you all,I need audio service 9 fitting software if it is available please send me the link many thanks
Yep, Connexx 9.8.5/AudioFit 9.8.11 for AudioService
I believe this is was the latest/current version
Read your private conversation
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Hi all,

New to this forum. Will introduce myself later on a bit more in my profile which I just made as a Newbe from the Netherlands.
Thanks for having me. My first post here now in the topic I found about AudioService.

I'm playing around with different HA- brands too in several fitting programms.
Now I am trying to connect an Amplifon Ampli- Energy B which seems to be a Audioservice DUO Li-Ion G5 or same as Soniton Comfort 10 blue Li XVI.

As I already found out this must be a Rexton. So I already collected the software for that and read the DIY School from PVC. Great work, thanks a lot!

Now the fitting software from Rexton informs me by connecting to my Noahlink wireless that I need the database of Amplifon. I was wondering if the Audioservice database for Rexton is available here to give it a try. It may not work eventually and I will then make a new topic in the search for an Amplifon database if available. Couldn't find it by Google untill now.

Hope to find a helping hand again here.
Kind regards
Hi Emile; Welcome.
Read you PM/Conversation in a short while for information about how to find Connexx 9.8.5/AudioFit 9.8.11

Note that there is also a Connexx 6.5.4/AudioFit 6.8.5 version for Legacy. But I am guessing you are not using any Legacy hearing aids.
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Read you PM/Conversation in a short while for information about how to find Connexx 9.8.5/AudioFit 9.8.11 for newer models or Connexx 6.5.4/AudioFit 6.8.5 for Legacy models.
Now I am trying to connect an Amplifon Ampli- Energy B
We can't seem to find any fitting software specifically for Amplifon. Amplifon hearing aids are from various manufacturers and will likely use the regular manufacturer's fitting software, but with a Lock/Unlock mechanism such as pin-code locks.

Read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). Examples; GN ReSount SmartFit with a pin-code lock, Starkey Inspire with a Launch Parameter of "launch AmplifonFitting".
Hi @Mohamed Ali Welcome;
Connexx 9.8.5/AudioFit 9.8.11 for AudioService has been replaced with a newer version (9.11.15).

Read you PM/Conversation in a short while for information about how to find (Audio Service Connexx 9.11.15 AudioFit 9.11.15) for newer models
Hi @aud.aqeel
Read you PM/Conversation in a short while for information about how to find (Audio Service Connexx 9.11.15 AudioFit 9.11.15) for newer models
Yep, Connexx 9.8.5/AudioFit 9.8.11 for AudioService
I believe this is the latest/current version
Read your private conversation
I tried to use hear suite for an AudioService's hearing aid. Now i realize that i was wrong. can you send me a link with conexx 9.8 or audiofit 9.8.11 for audioservice?
I tried to use hear suite for an AudioService's hearing aid. Now i realize that i was wrong. can you send me a link with conexx 9.8 or audiofit 9.8.11 for audioservice?
Connexx 9.8.5/AudioFit 9.8.11 for AudioService has been replaced with a newer version (9.11.15).
Note that there is also a Connexx 6.5.4/AudioFit 6.8.5 version for Legacy.
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find (Audio Service Connexx 9.11.15 AudioFit 9.11.15) for newer models
Yep, Connexx 9.8.5/AudioFit 9.8.11 for AudioService
I believe this is the latest/current version
Read your private conversation
Sorry, can i have audiofit software for volta p, thanks
audiofit software for volta p, thanks
Read your PM/Conversation for information about how to find (Audio Service Connexx 9.11.15 AudioFit 9.11.15). As per DIY School Hearing Aids (v2,2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) you should use the latest Connexx version;

Signia Connexx AudioService 9.11.15 / AudioFit 9.11.15 fitting software for current ReBranded Signia models (R Li 8, R li 7, R S 7, Mood G6, Mood Li-ion G6, Rixx G5, Mood G5, B M 7, B P 7, B SP 7, DUO Li-Ion G6, P Li-Ion G6, HP Li-Ion G6, DUO Li-Ion G5, IF Li 8, quiX G6, quiX G5, quiX G4, Volta, quiX, CIC 8, DIC 8, ITE Li7, ITC Li7, Ida BT G5, llea G5 Dir, II G5, Icon G5, llea G4, Icon G4) is not locked. Simply run the ReBranded software. Don’t use the older version (Audio Service Connexx 9.8.5 AudioFit 9.8.11) because it does not have the latest AudioService models.

Though, note that from this link to → AudioService Portfolio of basic Models it appears that only Volta C models can be fit with Connexx and there is other fitting "software"? for other models;
  • Volta C - Connexx
  • Volta M - Fit2Go App
  • Volta T - ToggleFit
  • Volta B - ToggleFit
No, belay that. Fit2Go is a → cellphone App that allows a basic audiogram to be entered and settings based on that to be applied to the hearing aids. The Fit2Go App has versions for both Android and Apple.

ToggleFit also has a similar purpose. But uses pre-configured profiles instead of an Audiogram.
Scroll down to find (Fitting without PC) near the bottom of this link to → AudioService Portfolio of basic Models.
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The plot sickens / I mean thickens; :rolleyes: Fitting without PC
  • To use the Fit2Go app, an activation code is needed. This will be provided after a special training on e-campus.
  • Login e-campus:
  • > registration as HCP > participation in Fit2Go App training > quiz to test knowledge > activation code is provided
Can you send it?
Connexx 9.8.5/AudioFit 9.8.11 for AudioService was the latest/current version, and now it is not.

Which model hearing aid are you trying to Fit? And/or you should read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids) and scroll down to the Signia section because the file is alphabetized by manufacturer. The DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your finger tips via 24/7 cloud storage access.
  • Start here → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) to find the access portals
  • You can easily find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking any PVC Avatar (click twice - counting the 2nd popup Avatar)
  • When logged in, you can find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking a Link in my Signature
  • And finally, you can perform a simple Internet search for "DIY School Hearing Aids"