DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

I'm looking for Oticon Genie 2 2024.1
HI,Doe, can you fins the Oticon Genie2 2024 ? i also need it, need to tune my aids to help me comminicate , i need to find a job to sustain my life in city .
how to find the Genie 1 linke ? there are many same information about ""read your PMConversation shortly for information about how to find Genie 2 " how to get it ?
Hi @ytsd Welcome;
When one of us starts a PM/Private Message/Conversation with the other then the recipient will receive a notification that someone has started a PM/Private Message/Conversation.
Click this Access Portal for → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) Cloud Storage
Click this Access Portal for → DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids (v2.2) Cloud Storage (static/no-updates)

What is DIY School Hearing Aids? It’s simply a collection of PDF files residing in cloud storage. Click one of the Access Portal to have a quick look at the PDF files inside DIY School Hearing Aids. The PDF files provide help with many self programming tasks, including the following two prerequisites.

  1. Software Prerequisite: Download the fitting software. Read about software download instructions in the first PDF file named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software). The links within that PDF file may take you to directly a download site or, provide community share instructions for how to obtain hidden software.
  2. Hardware Prerequisite: In addition to obtaining free fitting software, you will also need to use a Hearing Aid Programming Device/hardware. For most (but not all) recently sold hearing aids, the device you will need is Noahlink Wireless. Some think that Remote Fitting can be used take the place of this hardware prerequisite. It cannot! Sorry, it requires a professional account! This non-trivial task will require your due diligence!
That’s it, Ta-da!!

Tip for finding DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) again if you get lost and wish to return;
  • You can Click my Signature for a DIY School Hearing Aids Access Portal (login required)
  • You can Click my pvc Avatar for a DIY School Hearing Aids Access Portal (login required, click the 2nd popup Avatar too)
  • You can view this OP/Original Post of this Topic for the DIY School Hearing Aids Access Portal
  • You can perform an Internet search for "DIY School Hearing Aids"
Tip for getting started with DIY Self Fitting: Read these DIY School Hearing Aids PDF files:
  • 02 How to Program Your Hearing Aids
  • 01 What to Expect for your First Fit
Tip for finding fitting software: Read the DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software). Also scroll down below to find recent posts/comments from others seeking free fitting software. Feel free to post your own request for free fitting software below, as a new reply on this thread/topic. You will likely find other DIYers who are willing to share.

Appendix: List of frequently requested software;
  • Phonak Target 9.1.0 (or latest) for Newer/Current
  • Oticon Genie 2 2024.1 (or latest) for Newer/Current
  • Rexton Connexx 9.11.10/RexFit9.11.10 for Rexton Newer/Current
  • Connexx 9.11.10/SiFit9.11.10 for Signia Newer/Current
  • GN ReSound Smart Fit 1.18 (or latest) for newer/current hearing aids and Aventa 3 for older/Legacy hearing aids
  • Starkey Pro Fit 2024.1 aka-3.0 (or latest) for newer/current hearing aids
  • Starkey Inspire X 2023.1 for older/Legacy hearing aids
  • Unitron Unitron TrueFit 5.5.1 for Newer/Current
  • Widex Compass GPS 4.7 (or latest) for Newer/Current
  • Philips HearSuite 2024.1 (or latest) for Newer/Current

Appendix: List of less-frequently requested software;
  • Bernafon Oasis 26.2 / Oasis 2019.2 software for Older/Legacy
  • Bernafon OasisNxt 2024.1 (or latest) software for Newer/Current
  • Rexton Connexx 6.5.5/RexFit6.8.4 for Older/Legacy
  • Connexx6.5.5/SiFit6.10 for Signia older/legacy
  • Connexx7.5.2/SiFit7.5.1 for Signia intermediary/legacy
  • Oticon Genie 2017.1 for older/legacy
  • Phonak iPFG2.6e - Legacy
  • Phonak PFG8.6c - Legacy
  • Unitron Ufit for older/legacy
  • Unitron Unifit5.52A even older legacy
  • Widex COMPASS V5 - Legacy
  • A&M Connexx 9.6.6 with AMFit 9.6.10 (or latest) for newer/current
  • Argosy iPFG
  • Audifon (AudiFit4 and AudiFit5)
  • Audio Service Connexx6.5.4/AudioFIT6.8.5 for older/legacy
  • Audio Service Connexx9.8.5/AudioFit9.8.11 (or latest) for newer/current
  • Aurafit Relate-United HealthCare for newer/current Relate/Unitron
  • Beltone Solus Max 1.17 + BT Solus Pro 1 (both included in the same download)
  • Danavox Danafit 1.5
  • Electone Elecfit6.4
  • EXPRESSfit 6.4 for legacy Sonic products
  • EXPRESSfit 2017 for older Sonic products
  • EXPRESSfit PRO 2022.2.1 (or similar) for newer/current
  • Hansaton Connexx6.5.5/HansaFit6.21 for older/legacy
  • Hansaton Connexx8.3.6/HansaFit8.3.0 for intermediary/legacy
  • Hansaton Scout 3.6.1 for newer/current
  • GN ReSound Interton fitting_1.18 (or latest) + appraise2.4, also compufit 4.4
  • Miracle Ear Harmony6.5.4/me6.10.3 for older/legacy
  • Miracle Ear HarmonyII9.0.8/me9.0.5 for newer/current
  • NewSoundFit 6.1.12 for Newsound
Appendix: List of re-branded Starkey fitting software;
  • AGX/AudigyGroup
  • Amplifon
  • Audibel
  • Audika
  • AudioSync (Brazil = Portuguese) (Pro Akustik = German)
  • Horex (German/Deutsche)
  • KIND
  • Lisound (Chinese/Zhongguo)
  • Medtronic
  • MicroTech
  • Starkey
  • NuEar
  • Visaudio (French/Francaise)

  • Disclaimer: Hearing aids come in different models for different hearing losses (mild, moderate, severe, profound). Heed the warnings that come with power hearing aids like this example>> CAUTION: BTE Power hearing aid is a powerful hearing instrument. If you have been fitted with BTE Power, never allow others to wear your hearing instruments as incorrect usage could cause permanent damage to their hearing.
  • Disclaimer: These DIY School hearingdocuments are not meant to encourage self-fitting of your hearing aids. It can be technically challenging and is not for everyone. Though, if you have already decided to self-fit your hearing aids then you may benefit from this extra information on the subject. Also this extra information may come in handy simply for gaining more knowledge about what your audiologist is doing (or not doing) for you.
  • Disclaimer: The author of these documents did not invent Anonymous Community File Sharing. Community file sharing predates anything this author has envisioned, or written, or published.
hi,PVC, i still can not open the link "DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) Cloud Storage". can you send me the software to my email ? i also can not open google web.if this is the cause why i can not open the link web
There is no need to quote my unrelated text before replying. Just type some text and then click "Post Reply".

HMm; What OS software are you using on your Windows PC/Computer? Are you running Windows 10 or Windows 11?

can you send me the software to my email ?
Let's try to fix your problems with Internet access first.

i also can not open google web.if this is the cause why i can not open the link web
I don't know what "google web" is? Do you mean you cannot open the URL address ""?

A URL address, or Uniform Resource Locator, is a specific web address that indicates the location of a resource on the internet and how to access it. It typically includes a protocol (like HTTP or HTTPS), a domain name, and may also contain a path and parameters.
There is no need to quote my unrelated text before replying. Just type some text and then click "Post Reply".

HMm; What OS software are you using on your Windows PC/Computer? Are you running Windows 10 or Windows 11?

Let's try to fix your problems with Internet access first.

I don't know what "google web" is? Do you mean you cannot open the URL address ""?

A URL address, or Uniform Resource Locator, is a specific web address that indicates the location of a resource on the internet and how to access it. It typically includes a protocol (like HTTP or HTTPS), a domain name, and may also contain a path and parameters.
HI,PVC, my computer is installed window 10. YES,i can not open heep:// i use to surf .
why you not send me the installation GENIE 2 20241 to me through email ? i can not open the link
There is no need to "QUOTE" unrelated text to include in in your reply. Just type what you want to say and then mouse click the blue Post reply button. You are even quoting the unrelated text that is asking you not to quote unrelated text???

Are you using a language translator?

Some things are too big for email. If possible, try using another Browser (even if you only use it this one time). If you don't click "Make this my default Browser" then you can go back to using

HMm; after reading the → Baidu/Censorship section from Wikipedia you may be missing other other pieces of the → World Wide Web. Though, I am not sure if you have the ability to do anything about that?
Okay, I talked with a friend from your geographical location and whatever browser is used, you may not be able to open certain links. Perhaps you can start a new thread asking for a link to Oticon Genie2 2024.2 from someone in your geographical location.
hi,PVC, can you asked your friend who from my geographical location connect me or send me the software GENIE 2 2024.2 ?
anyway, i want to tune my oticon real1 model? THANKS!
hi,PVC, can you asked your friend who from my geographical location connect me or send me the software GENIE 2 2024.2 ?
anyway, i want to tune my oticon real1 model? THANKS!
pls see you PM.
Can someone share the latest Connexx software with a database including the latest Signia Silk C&G IX and Signia Active Pro
I would be very grateful.
pls see you PM.
HI,menglxs, it is great to receive your answer, but i meet some puzzle, for example, i click the linke, and sign up according to the web information on upper right , then i got to, have an account, can not find the files about 0N8RBMM4 in the, meanwhile can not logged in to,....what is wrong with it ? can you help me ?
Okay, I talked with a friend from your geographical location and whatever browser is used, you may not be able to open certain links. Perhaps you can start a new thread asking for a link to Oticon Genie2 2024.2 from someone in your geographical location.
HI PVC, I am not native english speaker, maybe what my said to you through web is not polite to you, i am sorry for that.
i appreciate your help in fact.
i in pressing condition to find the one who can help me to fix my question ,and i can talk about with people freely and can go to work to maintain life incity
No problem @ytsd I was never offended by your requests for help. We understand!
Last edited:
That's a temporary link, it's only valid for 48 hours, you don't need to log in to your account to download it during the validity period.
That's a temporary link, it's only valid for 48 hours, you don't need to log in to your account to download it during the validity period.
very sorry ,maybe it is over 48hours, when i see your email, i start to click it, but there is no action. then i click the linke to register but failed.
all in all , thanks for your kind help. i were stucked by hearing problem
Hi @pvc, I am new in DIY. I am trying to adjust my Signia Silk X. My audiologist set up and adjusted for me few months ago, and she saved the adjustments in her laptop database, if now i connect to the Connexx first time by my laptop, will the current set up disappear or is it still there ? I would to have a back up of it before adjusting anything.
Also, can you or anyone here please share me the latest Connexx software.
I would be very grateful.
First, you should give some thought to how to connect your hearing aids to the fitting software. It requires a hearing aid programming device (hardware) and possibly standard cs44 cables and flexstrips. For help with this choice, please read a DIY School Legacy Hearing Aids (v2.2) named (Choose Hardware-Programming Device for Signia).

Your (adjustments/settings) are currently stored in two places;
  • in your hearing aids
  • in your Audi's database
Since these two storage places are matched by DateTimeStamp to your Audi's computer, if you make any changes then the DateTimeStamp will match your computer and therefore no longer match your Audi's computer. Please read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids) Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any).

The DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) access portals are at your finger tips via 24/7 cloud storage access.
  • Start here → DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) to find the access portals
  • You can easily find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking any PVC Avatar (click twice - counting the 2nd popup Avatar)
  • When logged in, you can find the Access Portals again/anytime, by clicking a Link in my Signature
  • And finally, you can perform a simple Internet search for "DIY School Hearing Aids"
Hi @pvc and everyone,

I have bought Connexx Air and installed the fitting software. But i couldnt adjust anything because the connection issue as below picture. I have restarted my laptop, Connexx Air and hearing aids several times, but the issue has not been solved yet. The Connexx Air i bought new 100%. Anyone know the issue and could help ? Sometime i could connect a bit 30s or 1 mins and it was interrupted again and again.

Or with this Connexx Air do i need to connect it in the super quiet room ?

Thank you very much


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