Recent content by Wolfi

  1. W

    Any hearing aids particularly suitable for hearing bird songs?

    Hi PVC, thanks a lot! These are very valuable informations for me. I think that more or less all Top of the line modern Hearing aids will support 8 kHz and thus will also influence the region up to 10 kHz in a positive way. This would be more than sufficient for most of the bird species around...
  2. W

    Any hearing aids particularly suitable for hearing bird songs?

    Thanks for the reading tip! My audiologist offers different brands, including Signia, Widex, Oticon and a few other. Signia seems to be the "favored" brand. It's through health insurance, but I can have any model I want. The health insurance provides a subsidy (if I have a doctor's prescription)...
  3. W

    Any hearing aids particularly suitable for hearing bird songs?

    Hi PVC, thanks a lot for your answer and the valuable informations! I currently do not wear hearing aids. I had a hearing test with an audiologist but unfortunately I don´t have the results in my hands. He told me that I have a moderate hearing loss in the high frequencies (more or less typical...
  4. W

    Any hearing aids particularly suitable for hearing bird songs?

    I´m 65 years old and I have a moderate hearing loss in the high frequencies. As an ornithologist and bird watcher, the high frequencies are particularly important for me for hearing bird calls and songs. Are there hearing aids that are particularly suitable for this? Are there any bird watchers...