Recent content by SDdude

  1. SDdude

    Just how fine-grained are the channels when programming?

    pvc. you are the BEST! Thank you for all that info, which I have not yet finished perusing...
  2. SDdude

    Just how fine-grained are the channels when programming?

    Getting back to this: As a sometime musician and "producer", I'm concerned with music, as well as how sound strikes my ears, so, yes, I'm concerned with audio in general, beyond just human speech (even though, yes, that IS paramount). I guess I am lucky in that my hearing loss is not that...
  3. SDdude

    Just how fine-grained are the channels when programming?

    Well, looking at your response to that birder guy, I guess the answer to my question is "not particularly". I say that after looking at the screenshot of the audiologist controls, that, again, show only jumps of full kilohertzes above 3K, although much more fine-grained at lower frequencies. I...
  4. SDdude

    Any hearing aids particularly suitable for hearing bird songs?

    May I just suggest that I think you'll find that hearing aids will definitely improve your ability to hear bird calls! That's one of the first thing I notice when I'm out wearing them walking around, along with the sound of rustling leaves. You'll certainly appreciate that. I say this as a...
  5. SDdude

    Just how fine-grained are the channels when programming?

    Hello, I'm posting in this particular board since people here are most likely to be tweaking their results/capabilities. I'm having my new aids programmed by somebody to whom I've mailed them, and am ready to send him my audiogram, but I'm bugged by something. The audiograms strike me as really...