Recent content by mthomas

  1. mthomas

    Starkey Pro Fit 3.0.10106.0 aka/2024.0

    Can someone pvt me a link to the Patient Base + Inspire X please.
  2. mthomas

    What is the objective of hearing aid fitting software

    Hello Everyone, I am on a quest to comprehend the functionalities of hearing aids and their fitting software. We all know their primary purpose is to improve our hearing, but I'm eager to understand the mechanics behind it. For instance, in my right ear, I need a 8000 Hz tone to be amplified...
  3. mthomas

    Can someone interpret this audiogram for me?

    Hello All, Just wondered if someone could help me understand this audiogram. I'm waiting to apply for a job where there is a minimum hearing requirement. The standard you must be able to hear is 84dB at 0.5, 1 and 2 KHz and/or 140 dB at 3, 4 and 6 KHz. Looking at my audiogram below does this...