mrb's latest activity

  • mrb
    mrb replied to the thread DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2).
    Would really appreciate a download link for Compass GPS 4.8 Widex. Many thanks in advance for any help.
  • mrb
    Would really appreciate a download link for Widex Compass GPS 4.8 . Thank You for any help in advance.
  • mrb
    mrb reacted to pvc's post in the thread danalogic aids with Like Like.
    Hi @mrb Welcome; Please read your PM/Conversation for info on how to find Danalogic 1.18 which is a version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for...
  • mrb
    mrb replied to the thread danalogic aids.
    Danalogic 1.18 version of GN ReSound's SmartFit for ReBranded NHS models for Ambio / Smart. Please could someone very kindly send me...