Recent content by Mauricio

  1. M

    Fitting Software Audifon Audifit v5.6.17258.501 available But not v5.8

    Hello, please someone who can provide Audifon Audifit 5.6 software??
  2. M

    Oticon Genie Software

    When changing sides it simply does not recognize it
  3. M

    Oticon Genie Software

    My Hi-Pro USB detects the hearing aid and this message appears "The hearing aid was programmed on the other side"
  4. M

    Oticon Genie Software

    Exactly, I am sure that my Oticon AS H100 is renamed, possibly due to an amplifier or something else, is there software for this renamed hearing aid.??
  5. M

    Oticon Genie Software

    Any version of Oticon Genie for legacy hearing aids that allows me to program the model AS H 100 ?????