Recent content by johnains

  1. J

    Connexx 9

    Can anyone provide a download link for Signia's Connexx 9 software, please
  2. J

    Genie 2

    That's very useful, thank you. I'll try to replicate this on my PC tomorrow.
  3. J

    Genie 2

    My system exceeds these requirements in every instance. CPU Intel Core i9, 3.70Ghz, 16Gb RAM, 706GB Free disc space, Blue ray drive, USB 2.0, Windows 11
  4. J

    Genie 2

    Many thanks for this. Now when I try to run setup.exe I get a failure due to "Visual C++ 2015 redist." and when I then try to load the Microsoft VC_redist.x64.exe and .x86 files I get "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable." Do you know how to resolve...
  5. J

    Genie 2 request

    Would be grateful if someone can supply a link to Genie 2 2024.1 software.
  6. J

    Genie 2

    Would be grateful if someone can supply a link to Genie 2 2024.1 software.