Recent content by Big John

  1. Big John

    Genie2 2024.1 is available, updated to Genie2 2025.1 is available

    I need Genie 2 2024 for Mac. Does such a thing exist? Just migrated from windows and need to tweak my Oticon Real 1 setttings. Big John
  2. Big John

    Are the Oticon More aids that much better than the OPN aids?

    If nothing else getting full Bluetooth for use with Android will be a major upgrade from OPN. Without full Bluetooth for Android I would have had to ask for Phonaks. Big John
  3. Big John

    Are the Oticon More aids that much better than the OPN aids?

    Going from Opn to Real on the 12 of June. Big John
  4. Big John

    Navy Vet

    Greetings. I am a 75 year old disabled Navy vet with bilateral moderate to severe hearing loss. TheVA provided me with Oticon Opns seven years ago. As an Android user I had no phone connectivity. Four years ago I was upgraded to Phonak Aureos and loved having “voices in my head.” Last week I...
  5. Big John

    Phonak Pin tool vs Oticon Pin tool

    I have one that came with my Phonaks. What is it used for?
  6. Big John

    My Phonak reverts to Automatic.

  7. Big John

    My Phonak reverts to Automatic.

    Randomly. When I close the App. When I get a notification. When I get a phone call.
  8. Big John

    My Phonak reverts to Automatic.

    My Phonak reverts to "Automatic." What is the point of having "Restaurant," "Music," "TV," or a custom program (Big John) if My Phonak reverts to "Automatic." Surely the designers must have had some idea that if you change a setting you might want to enjoy that setting rather than being forced...
  9. Big John

    Getting New Hearing Aids

    I will be getting Oticon Real 1 on June 12th. Hoping to download the Genie 2 software in advance to familiarize. Big John
  10. Big John

    Navy Vet with progressive hearing loss in both ears.

    Navy Vet with progressive hearing loss in both ears.