Recent content by advid

  1. A

    Clarity of sound...?

    ..I did try Bluetooth earbuds..BUT....there is noticeable delay in the screen direct and what you hear in the wired 'plug in' solves this....
  2. A

    Clarity of sound...?

    ..all I'm trying to say is - even if I purchased a really expensive ITE or ITC hearing aid it would still pickup the TV sound direct but the ' mini echo' effect of that direct sound also being picked up from the walls would give an in ear sound producing a slightly less clear sound than...
  3. A

    Clarity of sound...?

    ....I usually listen to my TV with direct connection via plug in earbuds (super clear)... I've recently brough a pair of in ear aids - no too expensive but work really well.. The one thing I've noticed (especially when watching TV) is the clarity is not as good as the direct buds.... The reason...